Our programs are built around the belief that thriving rural villages have the following ingredients: social cohesion, inclusive leadership, gender equity, and resiliency. We work with our partner communities to inclusively monitor and evaluate whether our programs are achieving these goals. Our programs create impact by meeting basic needs, through skills building, and by connecting communities to create grassroots action for change.

Social Cohesion

Communities collaborate and are strengthened together

Inclusive Leadership

Community leadership is representative and transparent

81% of community members contribute to community development projects

91% of community members state that their leaders are held accountable

Gender Equity

Communities support women and progress toward equity

46% of speakers at community meetings are women


Communities adapt and respond to external shocks

80% of households recovered from economic shocks

“I am proud of what we have learned from OneVillage Partners. If villages like ours realize what they can offer in their own progress, they will not wait for NGO supplies and handouts.”

- Hawa Brima Gbondo, Gbeka Community Member

2022 Impact

NOW program participants reported a combined savings of nearly $8,500 USD

reduction in diarrheal disease in communities implementing WASH projects

increase in women being involved in decision-making in their household and at the community level

Our monitoring, evaluation, and learning strategy is quantitative, qualitative, and participatory. Community members participate in the monitoring and evaluation of their projects to promote transparency, learning, and capacity development. Results are shared with community members using pictures and symbols to represent the data, allowing communities see the impact of their projects and determine how they might sustain the impact further.

Inclusive Evaluation

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