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Click the links below to find the perfect option for YOU. No matter how you choose to give, thank you for contributing to our mission!
20 Ways to Support OneVillage Partners
Easy support ideas to help spread the word
1. Introduce us to a friend or family member
Help us make new friends! It can be as simple as mentioning OneVillage Partners to your neighbor. If you know of someone who is passionate about Sierra Leone, we’d love to take you both out for coffee to talk more. Please email laura@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
2. Like, comment, and share our content on social media
One of the easiest ways to support us is by engaging with us on social media. Liking, commenting, and sharing posts helps us reach more people on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. On whichever platform you’re on, please follow us and let’s be social!
Donation ideas to help our team do more
3. Donate printing costs
Help us offset the cost of staff business cards, brochures, handouts, and more! Please email taylor@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
4. Donate postage/stamps
One of the ways we stay connected with our supporters is through direct mail. Your gift can help us send more letters to share the impact of our work. Please email taylor@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
5. Donate catering for events
Do you have a favorite caterer? Help us connect with new professionals or help us offset the cost of our existing catering for special events. Please email laura@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
6. Become a sustaining donor (monthly or quarterly)
Netflix is now $20+/month. For that same amount, we can be transforming lives in Sierra Leone. Ongoing support is the very definition of sustainability for our organization! It’s easy. Simply select the “Recurring Gift” button on our Donate page!
7. Learn more about our Legacy Fund
Make a lasting impact for generations to come! Your legacy gift guarantees transformational change for our community partners in future years. Learn more >>
Donation ideas for travelers or hospitality
8. Donate frequent flyer miles for conferences and donor meetings
Contact your airline to learn more about how to donate your frequent flier miles!
9. Donate hotel vouchers for lodging when attending conferences or donor meetings
Contact your favorite hotel to learn more about how to donate lodgings!
10. Donate your event space or venue
Do you own or work for an event space? We are always looking for new places to host events, especially ones that offer discounts for nonprofits. Please email laura@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
Support ideas for social butterflies
11. Volunteer at events
If you enjoy working with people, this is the perfect option for you! Whether it’s greeting guests or helping them check in for events, we are always looking for help for special events. Please email laura@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
12. Volunteer for fundraising support
Our team is always looking for help! Tasks vary and can include anything from data, entry, stuffing envelopes and helping with mailings, to pre- or post-event help. Please email laura@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
13. Host a House Party
House Parties are a fun way to introduce your network to OneVillage Partners. If you’re interested, please contact laura@onevillagepartners.org and we will provide you with some printed materials and tips for hosting a great event!
Donation ideas for professionals
14. Donate your marketing/PR skills
We are always looking for new ways to spread the word about OneVillage Partners. If you have specialized communication skills or media connections, we would love to connect! Please email taylor@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
15. Donate your photography skills for events
If you’re a photographer, you KNOW that quality matters. Help us capture the perfect event photos! Please email laura@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
16. Donate your time via your unique skill set
Are you a musician? Do you plan events? Are you a design expert? We want to work with you. Please email laura@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
17. Donate membership programs for staff professional development and learning
Our staff is always looking for continuing education opportunities. Memberships like MasterClass are a great way to provide resources to our team to continue learning and improving. Please email jill@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
Support ideas for people with active livestyles
18. Donate gift cards for food or drink for donor meetings
Help offset the cost of hospitality for our donor meetings and support your favorite coffee shops and restaurants at the same time! Please email laura@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!
19. Introduce us to your faith communities, civic and fraternal organizations, or businesses as potential donors or event sponsors
We’re always looking to connect with like-minded communities and organizations. Please email laura@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested and we can provide materials to help you introduce OneVillage Partners.
20. Join our Twin Cities Marathon Team!
Every October, we participate in the Twin Cities Marathon. If you’re a runner, we want you to join us! Please email laura@onevillagepartners.org if you’re interested!