2021 Community Projects

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2021 is off to an exciting and busy start in OneVillage Partners partner communities! This year, seven communities will see their community projects completed, including a school, two clinics, and a skills training center; four communities will begin construction this month! Why the variations in projects you ask? OneVillage Partners doesn’t focus on one particular type of intervention or determine what is best for communities  – communities choose the kind of projects that best fit their unique needs. Read on to learn what our community partners are getting into this year and how you can help.

New Year, New Development

Bombohun is OneVillage Partners’ newest community partner. Their vision is “a community with a healthy defecation system to reduce the prevalence of diarrhea diseases and poor hygiene and sanitation practices.” To achieve this vision, Bombohun’s Community Action volunteers designed a project that will result in 120 latrines and 30 handwashing stations; this will give the entire community access to safe and sanitary toilet facilities. The outcomes of this project will be far reaching – a clean environment, improved hygiene practices, and ultimately a decrease in diarrheal disease.

Bandajuma is building off the success of its first project with OneVillage Partners done in 2017, community-wide latrine access. For its third project, the community will construct two new clean water wells and rehabilitate one broken well. With the new and improved water wells, the community will continue see positive health results and best of all, have year-round access to clean water.

Nianahun is going BIG for its second project with OneVillage Partners, and we love to see it! The community will rehabilitate the Maternal and Child Health Clinic to better serve pregnant women and children. They will also add an addition on the currently too-small clinic to better accommodate the service population of nearly 10,000, improving the water and sanitation facilities, and installing solar panels. For years to come, pregnant women will feel confident knowing they have a safe and secure place to give birth and receive care.

Magbema volunteers identified that “farmers need to safely dry and store produce after harvest.” Their solution? Construct four 25’x25’ dry floors for drying agricultural products, such as rice and cacao, and build a 38’x28’ storage facility with solar panels to safely and hygienically store agricultural product for sale and consumption. This project will accomplish so much – transfer agricultural products, and therefore creatures and critters, out of the home; improve food security; and increase income for farmers.

Completing their Vision

The community of Lalehun will be completing a junior secondary school it began last year. Like so many things, the construction of the school was delayed due to the pandemic, but the crew is full speed ahead on the school building, latrines, teachers’ quarters, and water well. Late last year, OneVillage Partners facilitated a meeting between the community and relevant government officials to outline the steps needed to have the school officially approved by the government once construction is complete.

In Massayima, the community identified early on that diarrhea disease was a major problem, almost certainly linked to the lack of toilet facilities, meaning community members were open defecating and spreading disease. This year, the community will be finishing its very impressive construction of over 100 latrines throughout the community. This large undertaking will ensure 100% of the community has access to sanitary toilet facilities and greatly improve the health of community members.

In Kigbai, Community Action volunteers envisioned a community where “women and youth in Kigbai have access to participate in decision making.” For that reason, they designed a project where a communal meeting space would be built and local authorities, women, and youth would receive training on decision-making and inclusive governance. This project is unique in that it’s not as tangible as a clinic or agricultural store, but it will have far reaching and long-term benefits for the community and will make future community development more effective, beyond their partnership with OneVillage Partners.

Leading into the Future

Under the Lead pilot program, Mamboma is putting the final touches on a skills training center for youth. The new and improved skills training center will provide a space for youth to receive targeted training in tailoring, soap making, and weaving; in-turn increasing income for the next generation of changemakers.

Grima is finishing up the rehabilitation and expansion of a Maternal and Child Health Clinic. This project will increase services for over 10,000 men, women, and children in Grima and the surrounding villages and especially give pregnant women greater access to improved pre- and post-natal care.

We are excited to see everything our community partners will accomplish in 2021. Visit the Donate page to learn ways that you can financially support our community partners and their work this year. And make sure to follow OneVillage Partners on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter for project updates along the way!


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