Grateful in the Time of Coronavirus

On the last Friday of every month, the OneVillage Partners team in Sierra Leone takes a break from their busy workloads to gather for a Staff Reflection. The topic changes month to month, ranging from discussions on human rights, games testing the team on HR policies, to documentary screenings. It’s our monthly time to gather in one place, reflect on our work or the world, and enjoy a meal together after the activity. But, with the spread of COVID-19, gatherings like this are now unsafe. Upon the first two confirmed cases in Sierra Leone, OneVillage Partners sent all staff home. Since we were unable to come together in person in April, we got creative and utilized our staff WhatsApp group for our first-ever “Selfie Staff Reflection.” Team members across Sierra Leone and the United States sent selfies affirming what they are grateful for or something that recently made them smile. From all of us at OneVillage Partners, we are grateful to our supporters near and far and hope you are finding joy wherever you are.


A Call for Action, Community, and Solidarity


Community-Led in the Time of Coronavirus