Giving Tuesday & Year-End Town Hall

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This year, we celebrated Giving Tuesday by coming together with supporters for our Year-End Town Hall. We shared our partner communities' achievements and successes from this past year - including 184 graduates in the Nurturing Opportunities for Women program, more than 4,000 individuals with improved sanitation and water facilities, and more than 6,000 people with improved food security. For OneVillage Partners, we also celebrated our geographical and programmatic expansions and our newest community partner - Bombohun! 

We also shared some of our plans for the coming year - we will actively partner with 24 communities in rural Sierra Leone, who will undertake 11 new projects to improve the lives of more than 12,000 people.  Four of these communities will begin construction starting in January 2021!

You can watch the full recording of the town hall down below.

On this global day of celebrating generosity, we invite you to generously support OneVillage Partners with a monetary donation. Donations raised today and through the end of the year will directly support our partners in achieving their plans for improved education, health, and livelihoods. 

Together we give. Together we thrive. 


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