Planning for Development NOW

Hameedatu Turay is a Nurturing Opportunities for Women (NOW) Program Coordinator with OneVillage Partners. After one of her sessions, she spoke moveingly about the impact she sees first-hand on the women she trains. A transcript is below the video.

Before, participants said they did not even have a goal. They were just doing things as they like. But as of now, with the learning, they have the ability to even plan their family, plan their resources, and even their money.

Whenever they receive money, they plan, budget, and even save out of their income, but before that was not happening. But because of the impact of this learning, they are now saving even some of their proceeds for the other season to be able to plant, so that it will not take other money to buy seeds.

They are also planning their family well. There is peace in their homes now.

They can now plan together with their family in doing their farm activities and involved in so many other developmental programs.

Participants themselves can now come together and even envision for themselves in the group what they want to do for them to face development.

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Reflection and Gratitude for 2020


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