Mothers: The Heart of Our Communities

As Mother's Day approaches, we celebrate the remarkable journey of Musu Kebah, a proud graduate of our Nurturing Opportunities for Women (NOW) program. Through NOW, Musu embarked on a transformative path, not just in managing her finances and boosting her business, but also in discovering her inner leadership potential.

During both phases of NOW—Strengthening Household Finances and Improving Business Skills—Musu honed invaluable skills that empowered her to take charge of her financial future. But the true joy of the NOW lies beyond the realm of money. We see that for these women, it's about nurturing confidence, resilience, and the spirit of leadership.

Inspired by her newfound skills and driven by a desire to uplift her community, Musu took the bold step of forming a group with fellow NOW participants. Together, they became a light, supporting each other and sharing knowledge to propel their businesses and communities forward.

Today, Musu stands as a shining example of the transformative power of motherhood and womanhood. Through her leadership and dedication, she inspires other women to embrace their potential, creating a ripple effect of empowerment and positive change.

As we honor mothers everywhere this Mother's Day, let us also salute amazing women like Musu, whose resilience, determination, and love forge the path for future generations.


Gbeka: Full Circle Community


Mamie's Journey to a Healthier Gbeka