Gbeka: Full Circle Community
Addressing everyday challenges. Making decisions together as a community. Building development projects that save lives. This is the story of Gbeka.
We are thrilled to introduce our very first #FullCircle campaign by sharing the remarkable accomplishments of Gbeka’s community members. Since partnering with us in 2015, the community has completed all three OneVillage Partners’ programs and their respective phases, establishing lasting, sustainable change that goes beyond our resources. They are a true example of transformative partnership!
They are one of many communities that exemplify our Theory of Change, which is all about creating positive changes that start within a community and spread outward. Gbeka demonstrates just how effective the impact and sustainability can be achieved.
This is why they are a Full-Circle Community. Through their hard work, the community members have achieved independence, bringing stability, prosperity, and opportunity to their families, friends, and neighbors. Here is their story.
Cycle 1: Building the Foundation (2015 - 2016)
The journey for Gbeka began with a simple yet life-changing step: building latrines. In 2015, OneVillage Partners first partnered with Gbeka. When we asked the community about their most urgent need, they unanimously chose better sanitation for their children. This crucial decision marked the beginning of Gbeka’s remarkable transformation. Prior to this, mothers had to keep their children home from school due to diarrhea-related illnesses, and the community was losing loved ones because of poor sanitation.
When the opportunity arose, Gbeka participated in our Community Action program, where OneVillage Partners conducted community-wide sessions to raise awareness about health and hygiene. These sessions emphasized the critical role of proper health and sanitation in preventing illness and protecting individual health, as well as enhancing the overall well-being of the entire community. This phase addressed immediate health needs and promoted sustainable development by fostering a culture of knowledge-sharing among community members of all ages. Through these efforts, Gbeka not only improved their sanitation practices but also built a foundation for ongoing education and health awareness, ensuring a healthier future for generations to come.
Cycle 2: Access to Clean Water (2015 - 2017)
With the success of safe latrines, Gbeka knew the next step for improving health and sanitation was access to clean water, making it their second priority. Working with the same Community Action Group over the next two years, men and women, mothers and fathers planned, managed, and oversaw the construction of hand wells for their community.
2024 - Gbeka completed well pump project.
The Community Action Group took their leadership a step further by establishing a Water Management Committee to ensure sustainable access to safe drinking water for all. This committee was responsible for maintaining the wells, ensuring accessibility for all families, and educating the community about hygienic water storage practices.
Gbeka’s Community Action Group + Water Management Committee
Gbeka’s Full-Circle moment truly began here, marking the start of their holistic approach to development and their progress to end multi-dimensional poverty in their community.
Cycle 3: Investing in Human Capital (2015 - 2019)
To end their Community Action Group cycle, and showcase their commitment to nurturing their community’s well being, Gbeka chose as their final project to establish a Training Center to nurture talent and empower their youth. Here, they offered invaluable skills training opportunities, not only for the youth but also for parents and young adults wanting to expand their skills and the wider community. By doing so, they've not only created a pathway for the next generation to thrive but also fostered a culture of continuous learning and personal development.
“[In our community]... Reading and writing is [valued] education done in a narrow sense [and strictly] while I see this Skills Training centre a way to [provide] education done in a broader sense.”
In this training center, community members learned various skills such as sewing, soap-making, machinery operation, and academic lessons for youth. This phase of their journey highlights Gbeka’s forward thinking approach in investing in human capital as a driver for long-term prosperity. With their health and sanitation secure, they recognized the need to take a step further. To truly combat multidimensional poverty, they understand the importance of community economic empowerment. By recognizing the potential within their community and providing the means to develop it, Gbeka is not only securing a brighter future for their youth but also investing in sustainable growth and success for future generations.
Cycle 4: Investing in Women (2016 - 2021)
As they dedicated themselves to improving sanitation and securing clean water, the community members of Gbeka also took significant steps towards achieving gender equality. In 2016, we introduced the first phase of the Nurturing Opportunities for Women (NOW) program. Thirty-two women from Gbeka participated in this training, learning essential financial literacy skills to manage their household finances. But their journey didn't end there - they continued their progress by completing the second phase, NOW II: Improving Income through Business Skills in 2018, where they trained to successfully run a profitable business.
In 2021, they continued with the third phase, NOW: Agribusiness, where participants are trained in agricultural concepts to reduce food insecurity.
These women took this newfound knowledge and planted four bushels of rice, laying the groundwork for their own small agricultural enterprises. The four bushels produced an impressive 64 bags of rice. This wasn't just about farming; it was about empowering women to take control of their economic future and contribute to their community's prosperity.
Present Day: Empowering Women and Enhancing Healthcare (2020 - Present)
As we arrive in the present, we take a moment to celebrate Gbeka's recent achievements. With an impressive 75% of women reaching their first financial goal, initiatives like the LEAD program are making waves in fostering economic independence and gender equality.
In LEAD, Gbeka collaborated with Maloma, a neighboring community, to establish a maternal health clinic. This was another full circle moment reflecting Gbeka’s unwavering commitment to enhancing healthcare access and improving overall wellbeing. This clinic has already begun to make a significant impact by reducing infant mortality rates, as women no longer have to walk for miles to access essential medical care for themselves and their babies.
Gbeka's journey through the stages of community development serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for us all.
Their dedication, resilience, and collaborative spirit have paved the way for tangible change and lasting impact. As we reflect on their remarkable achievements, let's reaffirm our commitment to supporting communities like Gbeka in their quest for a brighter future. Together, we can continue to navigate the path to success, one milestone at a time.
“I’m very inspired about the way OneVillage Partners do their work. When I compare to other NGOs... [I see] that OneVillage Partners follows through with their word and [we] see the reality. ”
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