Sustainability and Success: Grima’s Clinic Journey

Grima, a community with over 7,000 people has become a pillar of sustainable development. The story of Grima is not just about the building clinic; it's about a community that came together, identified its needs, and took charge of its future. Through dedication, and a deep understanding of local challenges, community members have created a lasting impact that will benefit generations to come.

In 2019, Grima embarked on a transformative journey. Recognizing the need for improved maternal and child health services, they applied for a Leadership Engagement and Development (LEAD) project. The LEAD project empowers communities to take full ownership of the project—from proposal writing to implementation—ensuring outcomes are deeply rooted in the community's genuine needs.

The clinic, once an inadequately equipped maternal health post, has now evolved into a fully functional community health post. This transformation was driven by the community's commitment to improving health outcomes, particularly for pregnant women and children. The clinic's expansion, which included adding more beds, improving sanitation facilities, and incorporating solar power, has significantly enhanced its ability to serve not just Grima, but its 20 surrounding communities.

2024, Grima's completed clinic.

What sets Grima apart is the sustainability of its initiative. The community didn't just build a clinic; they built a system that continues to thrive and adapt to challenges. By installing solar panels, the clinic now has a reliable source of electricity, ensuring that medical services can be provided at all time. The introduction of clean water facilities has drastically improved hygiene, reducing the risk of infections and other waterborne diseases.

The community's approach to sustainability extends beyond infrastructure. The local health workers, traditional birth attendants (TBAs), and community health workers (CHWs) are all trained and committed to maintaining high standards of care. They have been instrumental in educating the community about the importance of safe deliveries, proper nutrition, and disease prevention. This focus on education ensures that the benefits of the clinic are felt far beyond its walls.

The results of these efforts are evident. Grima clinic has seen a reduction in stillbirths and infant mortality, and the overall health of the community has improved. Women who once gave birth in unsafe conditions now have access to a clean, well-equipped facility with trained staff ready to assist them.

The journey of Grima is a testament to what can be achieved when communities are empowered to lead their own development. By focusing on sustainability and taking a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, Grima has created a model that other communities can follow. As they continue to build on their successes, the community members in Grima are not just improving their own lives—they are setting an example of what true community-led development looks like.

In a world where many development projects struggle to achieve lasting impact, Grima stands out as a shining example of what is possible when sustainability is placed at the heart of the mission.


OneVillage Partners: Sustainability and Impact